Their crops have fulfilled their purpose: anchoring the topsoil, retaining soil moisture and biome, and fixing nitrogen into the ground. However, with planting season upon us, it’s time to address the ...
When the weather provides, should farmers take advantage of early spring to seed spring oats in March or is it better to wait?
Both cover crops and green manures can have weed suppressing qualities. They may shade the ground, thus reducing temperature fluctuation and the weed seed germination that ... Tests with sorghum and ...
The chevron-shaped, roller-style meter provides continuous flow of most every cover crop seed for an even stand. Application rate is determined by tractor speed and an electric-over-hydraulic ...
Small plots of forage sorghum, sorghum sudan grass, foxtail millet, forage oats and a couple other ... providing various benefits. A list of cover crop seed sources and pilots for aerial seeding ...
Non-legume cover crops consist of cereal plants like rye, wheat, oats, barley ... They are not a crop you need to seed, grow to snuff out weeds, then let it freeze over. Instead, they are low ...