A cover letter (sometimes referred to as a justification or letter to reviewers) is an excellent opportunity for you to promote your work to the editor and reviewers Please note, these guidelines are ...
As long as the required information is present (cover letter, title page, abstract, references, CONSORT diagram for randomized studies, protocol for randomized and interventional trials, etc.), the ...
All manuscript files, including the cover letter. In virtually all cases, referee comments to the author for this and all previous versions of the manuscript, but only if the manuscript was peer ...
Authors should provide a cover letter that explains 'in their words' why the new work should be published in a top-tier journal. Often we receive manuscripts submitted with a brief cover letter ...
As long as the required information is present (cover letter, title page, abstract, references, CONSORT diagram for randomized studies, protocol for randomized and interventional trials, and so on), ...