Take a trip down memory lane with this hilarious compilation of classic pranks! From fake creepy critters to epic jump scares, these pranks have stood the test of time. "What is the dress code?": ...
Watch as unsuspecting friends and family fall for the most iconic and mischievous gags ever pulled. Whether it’s the ...
It would be really, really creepy. In footage posted to YouTube, Clone Robotics unveiled its new pet project; the “Protoclone,” a tall, ghostly-white humanoid robot. In the video, the faceless ...
Why not play into that fear by making it seem like you trapped a creepy-crawly last night but oh no, it looks like the thing has gotten out. After this, nobody will be putting their feet down on ...
This beetle hotel is the perfect make to give your creepy crawly friends a home, they will LOVE hanging out here. M.G Leonard is the author of 'Beetle Boy' and she is going to show you how to make ...