2015年Stilla公司在伦敦和圣地亚哥分别举办世界数字PCR大会上发布了Naica系统,随后立刻引起了国际科学家的高度关注。2016年Naica™ Crystal digital PCR在欧洲和美国上市,并迅速获得科学家的高度认可。2017年4月,Naica™ Crystal digital PCR(cdPCR)这款期待中的新一代产品 ...
The SARS-CoV-2 detection kit is a ready-to-use RUO three-color RT Crystal Digital PCR kit simultaneously quantifying twoSARS-CoV-2-specific sequences and an internal human control in a single ...
By encapsulating all steps for digital PCR in a single chip, the Naica System leverages the key assets of Crystal Digital PCR in a compact, easy-to-use, fast and reliable digital PCR solution. Crystal ...
A major advantage of drop-off digital PCR is the single-assay detection of multiple proximal genetic lesions (including deletions, insertions and nucleotide substitutions) within a short genomic ...