经过多年的发展,国内乘用车市场逐渐形成了合资、自主品牌、新势力三足鼎立的局面。在这个市场进程中,一部分新势力车型的入场,改变了传统豪华汽车品牌固有的竞争优势,甚至变相推动了海外豪华汽车品牌向座舱智能化、低出行成本等方面升级产品力。而随着市场环境的转变 ...
进入车内,CT4的内饰同样令人眼前一亮。大量高级材质如真皮、金属和木纹等被巧妙运用,营造出一种高贵而不失雅致的氛围。中控台设计简洁且 ...
凯迪拉克 CT4,一亮相便以其独特的魅力闪耀车坛。它那动感的造型,如猎豹般矫健的身姿,犀利的线条勾勒出强烈的运动气息。标志性的大灯璀璨 ...
The CT4 is neither here nor there, and it has always frustrated us. There’s so much obvious potential that the automaker doesn’t seem to have capitalized on. It’s as big as the compact BMW 3 ...
凯迪拉克有不少热门轿车和 SUV 车型。 轿车方面,凯迪拉克 CT4 定位紧凑型跑车,裸车起步价 16.97 万,顶配 20.97 万,比原价下调 5 万到 6 万。
There are a few minor changes to the new Cadillac CT4-V, such as four paint colors being swapped out, and a new package being added to the list - the Red Accent package. The optional air ionizer ...
The CT4 holds legitimate appeal as a solid entry-luxury compact car in a class with established rivals in this German-dominated segment. The CT4's key rivals include the Audi A3, BMW 2-series Gran ...
The CT4 is positioned to take on the Audi A3 and the Mercedes A-Class, entry-level German cars that combine compact size with a healthy dose of tech features and luxury. The CT4 is therefore priced to ...