Who are the Deadlock characters? Blending the lane-dominating, creep-farming gameplay of a MOBA with pew-pew hero shooter action, Deadlock is quite the chimera. Currently in its fledgling state ...
All the Deadlock characters are well designed, and have a rich lore behind them. Despite being an invite-only game, it has already started topping the Steam charts with hundreds of thousands of ...
Valve's multiplayer shooter Deadlock received a massive update with wall jumping and additional gameplay tweaks. The latest update includes balance changes, new features, and content additions ...
A new set of Deadlock patch notes are here, and Valve has made some pretty substantial changes to the game’s map. The Steam maker has altered the number of lanes, reworked the layout, and even ...
It's been almost a month since Deadlock's last notable update, with Valve recently reducing the frequency of changes to its third-person MOBA to 'improve' its design process. That adjustment has ...