So, we’re here to bring it all together and break everything down you need to know about what is shaping up to be the next major hero shooter: Deadlock. The first thing we should say is that ...
Deadlock, the MOBA-meets-hero shooter mash-up from Valve, has been in a perpetual state of quiet build-up over the last year. But that hasn't stopped Valve from making massive, tectonic changes ...
I was skeptical at first, but Deadlock has ensnared me in a way that's vanishingly rare. I've played Valve's unreleased multiplayer shooter for 500 hours so far, and I've no intention of stopping.
Valve has not officially announced Deadlock yet, but it already has thousands of players. Valve Software’s newest multiplayer shooter, Deadlock, is its worst-kept secret by a country mile. After ...
The occult streets of Manhattan are calling. Can our Shiv and Holliday hold up in lane? Find out as we go live with Deadlock!
When is the Deadlock release date? Thanks to a recent lift on restrictions for the secretive upcoming shooter from Valve, streamers and community members can now share gameplay footage and their ...
Who are the Deadlock characters? Blending the lane-dominating, creep-farming gameplay of a MOBA with pew-pew hero shooter action, Deadlock is quite the chimera. Currently in its fledgling state ...
Deadlock has been out in early access since August of 2024, with its peak player count coming in the following month. Since then, fans have been wondering when this game will fully release. So, what ...
It's been almost a month since Deadlock's last notable update, with Valve recently reducing the frequency of changes to its third-person MOBA to 'improve' its design process. That adjustment has ...
Valve is making a new hero shooter called Deadlock. Whether or not this game actually comes out is an entirely different matter, but we do know quite a lot about the project thanks to several leaked ...