Decoloniality refers to the logic, metaphysics, ontology and matrix of power created by the massive processes and aftermath of colonization and settler-colonialism. This matrix and its lasting effects ...
The Decoloniality and Race research group interrogates colonial legacies in politics and society and works towards overcoming them. This includes racial inequalities that are rooted in colonial ...
I recall the piled-applauds that hails the heroic decoloniality mindset of former President Nana Addo in 2019. He stands before French President Emmanuel Macron and declares with unmatched heroism - ...
I recall the piled-applauds that hails the heroic decoloniality mindset of former President Nana Addo in 2019. He stands before French President Emmanuel Macron and declares with unmatched heroism ...
Cornejo discussed her July 2024 book, “Visual Disobedience: Art and Decoloniality in Central America” — a text which explores artistic strategies for “Indigenous, feminist and anti-carceral resistance ...