Pleurectomy and decortication is a surgical procedure that may be recommended for patients with mesothelioma or other tumors or diseases affecting the inner chest. This involves removing diseased ...
IT is the unfortunate lot of some patients dying of metastatic cancer of the breast, lung, cervix and so forth to be plagued by severe dyspnea due to recurrent malignant pleural effusions.
Lung cancer arises in tissues of the lung, usually in the cells lining air passages. The two main types are small-cell lung cancer and non-small-cell lung cancer, according to the shape of cells ...
Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research study the structure and workings of the heart, blood vessels and lungs. Among other things, their findings are intended to contribute ...
A segmentectomy is a surgical procedure that removes one of the ten anatomic segments of a lung. It requires some dissection of the artery, vein, and/or airway structures of that segment, and the ...