Deep-sea Bathymodiolus mussels are found worldwide at hydrothermal vents and cold seeps. The mussels live in symbiosis with beneficial bacteria that provide them with nutrition. The mussels also ...
These beer-battered mussels are offset nicely against the walnut, tahini, lemon, yoghurt and garlic flavours of a Middle Eastern tarator sauce. They are a favourite with Ali Arsan, one of the ...
Their study, published in Communications Biology, investigates the transcriptional and metagenomic changes in shallow-water mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) exposed to deep-sea conditions at a ...
or deep fried mussels with onion, bell pepper and basil leaves in a spicy curry broth. In the mood for noodles? Pick from Thai staples like the Bangkokian Kua Gai (stir-fried broad flat noodle ...