The British with them brought the chime of mechanical clocks and the rise of the “ghantaghars”—majestic clock towers that ...
Real Estate News, Real Estate Sector, Gurugram Real Estate, Delhi-NCR Real Estate: The Gurugram housing market experienced ...
According to PropEquity, Gurugram housing market experienced strong demand for luxury housing units in 2024, where the sales ...
Gurugram-based Asset Deals celebrates 14 years in real estate, focusing on transparency, innovation, and client-first values.
In terms of annual price growth in the luxury housing segment globally, Delhi ranks number 18, Mumbai takes the 21st spot, ...
Uttar Pradesh has outpaced Delhi in new company incorporations for the first 10 months of FY 2024-25, with 15,590 new ...
In a significant shift within India's corporate landscape, Uttar Pradesh (UP) has outpaced Delhi in new company registrations during the current fiscal year, positioning itself just behind Maharashtra ...