New research on the feeding habits of the desert rat-kangaroo could help locate the possibly extinct species, with ...
The desert bettong, or ngudlukanta, has been listed as extinct since 1994. Photos taken by Hedley Herbert Finlayson who ‘rediscovered’ the ngudlukanta in the 1930s. An intriguing native ...
Although declared extinct in 1994, people claim to have seen desert rat-kangaroos since, and analysis of their museum ...
The Sturt Stony Desert in the far north-east of South Australia ... by some of its harder-headed relatives like the burrowing bettong. The reason for this? It all comes down to its size.
The skull of the desert rat-kangaroo was compared with the skulls of short-faced specialists of harder foods like the burrowing bettong, or boodie, and the specialists of softer fungi like the ...