A man who spray painted swastikas and anti-Semitic graffiti across several Perth suburbs is given a suspended jail sentence.
What is the listing price for 34 Emander Drive, Dianella? The Property Project Perth has not listed a sale price for 34 Emander Drive, Dianella. Contact the agent for a price guide.
Every so often, a home comes along which feels like it is meant to be yours forever – and this is one of those rare finds.
A mini Woolworths store opened at a Perth school to help teach children with disabilities retail and general life skills. Dianella Secondary College Education Support Centre transformed a ...
The architectural work of Iwan Iwanoff is legendary, not only in Perth but around the world. Which leads us to this home, tucked away in Dianella's golden triangle. While most of Iwanoff's homes ...