DXVK 2.6 最引人注目的功能是 加入了对 NVIDIA Reflex 低延迟技术的支持 。该功能需配合 Proton Experimental 版本及支持 VK_NV_low_latency2 扩展的 Vulkan 驱动程序使用。通过该特性,玩家可在《战神 2》《守望先锋 2》《雷神之锤:冠军》等 D3D11 游戏中开启 NVIDIA Reflex,显著降低系统输入延迟。
DXVK is a tool used by Proton that translates Direct3D 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 to Vulkan. It's one of the projects that enables ...
Recall, like all of Microsoft's AI tools, relies on the DirectML API to act as the software bridge between the application ...