Drinking too much alcohol can seriously harm the liver, an important organ that helps keep the body healthy. The liver breaks ...
Discover the common mental justifications we create after drinking too much alcohol, from swearing off drinking forever to ...
which is why we don't need to go to the loo as much. But while alcohol is in your system, the production of this hormone is decreased, causing you to produce more urine. 'If people drink regularly ...
“Moderate” drinking is elusive — and it’s very easy to drink too much One of the most important things to understand about drinking and its health effects is what amount of alcohol is ...
Too much alcohol can lead to more dangerous sexual ... So, if you’re going to drink alcohol, keep a few things in mind: Inform your partner that you’re living with HIV before you begin drinking.
Many brands now offer options that mimic the same “bite” associated with cocktails while still providing a satisfying drink ...
This means that as more alcohol enters the bloodstream vital body functions will be depressed. At high levels things like blood pressure, pulse and respiration can decrease. Expect to see the ...
Poor sleep and drinking too much could drive depression in night owls, research suggests. Experts already know that night owls are at higher risk of poor mental health compared to early risers but, ...
Others might drink too much, and end up experiencing more severe ADHD symptoms. They may end up feeling depressed as a result. In both cases, alcohol disrupts brain chemistry. It can increase your ...