At the heart of the kit is the aforementioned PiEEG HAT, the same HAT that we saw back in 2023. But this time the PiEEG is part of a larger "Bio Lab" in a briefcase that now inclu ...
Of all the electrical signals generated by the human body ... it makes sense that electrocardiogram (ECG) machines are a popular choice among introductory medical electronics projects.
The hardware in question for this build is a B20 Fitness Tracker, an ungodly cheap piece of hardware that contains an ADS1292 bioimpedance sensor that can be used for ECG, EMG, and EEG.
The cap is used to read the electrical activity of the brain (electroencephalogram, EEG) but the ... can receive control signals. This could be a robot arm, controlled via ECG that reads the ...
An ECG captures the small electrical signals produced by your heart’s beats beneath the skin, displaying them as a trace. This enables trained professionals, devices, or wearables to gain ...