How did the East German state keep its people under surveillance? We get a peek behind the scenes at the former Stasi headquarters in Berlin. Search is on for not one, not two, but three Lotto ...
it is described as “a rare look into the inner workings of a data-driven surveillance state run by one of the most feared secret police forces the world has ever known — East Germany’s Stasi.” ...
SXSW: Historian Peter Keup unearths the traumas of his past to reveal the nefarious actions of the secret police and the surveillance state it imposed during its 40 years in power.
After the fall of the Berlin Wall, records of East Germany's secret police are uncovered. The Stasi archives reveal surveillance methods and victims through interviews, documents and reconstructed ...
In March 1990, 400 East German lawmakers became the first parliamentarians to take power after a free and fair election. Their goal: Germany's reunification. On March 18, 1990, the Christian ...
The work of the first freely-elected People's Chamber ended on October 3, 1990, the day East and West Germany were reunited. The parliamentarians in East Berlin had fulfilled the wishes of the GDR ...