Archaeologists in Egypt have unearthed a 2,600-year-old pot containing gold jewellery and statuettes of a family of ancient ...
A treasure, including gold jewelry and statues of deities from around 2,600 years ago, has been found at the Karnak temple complex by archaeologists. These artifacts highlight ancient Egypt's belief ...
Archaeologists have unearthed a 2,600-year-old stash of gold jewelry and artifacts at Karnak Temple in Luxor, Egypt. The collection, buried in a pot, includes a rare statuette of three gods, which may ...
Over the weekend, the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities announced the discovery of jewelry and other findings at the Karnak temples. An archaeological mission from the Egyptian-French ...
A metal brooch and artefacts representing the gods in animal forms were also found as were a number of beads, some of them plated in gold and dating to the beginning of ancient Egypt’s 26th Dynasty.
Luxor, Egypt, is a must-visit destination for anyone ... Visitors can explore the Karnak Temple, Luxor Museum, and the Tombs of the Nobles, which date from the sixth dynasty to Greco-Roman times.
Built in 1500 BC on the west bank of the Nile, the temple of Hatshepsut serves as a spectacular new kind of temple and amazes Egyptologists with its unique design and historical significance.
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In the middle of the civil war that would bring him to power, Julius Caesar spent the winter of 48 BC in Egypt. There he met Cleopatra, the woman who would set Roman nerves on edge for most of the ...
Past visitors noted that exploring the Karnak Temple Complex is like traveling back in time. The temples are large and offer insight into life in ancient Egypt. Keep in mind that it can get hot ...
Built to honor Amon-Re (ancient Egypt's sun god) and the female pharaoh Hatshepsut (who was believed to have descended from Amon-Re), the Temple of Hatshepsut stands out for its grand architecture ...