Kick off your adventure from the westernmost point of Texas and drive though the rugged mountain ranges, expansive deserts and snow-white sand dunes of the Southwest. The Texan city of El Paso ...
The U.S. News Financial Advisor Finder can help you narrow down the best financial advisors in the El Paso, Texas area. El Paso has up to 241 advisors to choose from and using our filters for fee ...
EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- El Paso County Commissioners Court approved and adopted a resolution today designating El Paso the Boot Capital of Texas. The court says that the designation recognizes El ...
El Paso was first, and one of four Texas cities that made the list. Austin, Fort Worth and San Antonio also made the Texas top 10 list. El Paso previously has done well in safe city studies.
The advisory includes parts of West Texas and Southern New Mexico, including El Paso, Sierra Blanca, Las Cruces, and Alamogordo. The National Weather Service also issued a dust storm warning for ...
EL PASO, Texas (KFOX14/CBS4) — Texas Senate Bill 26, which aims to increase teacher salaries across the state, has passed the Senate and is now headed to the House of Representatives.
EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- U.S. Border Patrol El Paso Sector is holding a ceremony for the deputization of the Texas National Guard in El Paso Sector today. The National Guard will have a new role ...
EL PASO, Texas (KFOX14/CBS4) — Sun Metro will be paying tribute to the technician who died following an explosion at the bus service's headquarters. On Monday, Sun Metro buses throughout El Paso ...