AMAROK's Electric Guard Dog 30 Series Fence is a powerful and intimidating barrier that stops crime before it happens. Standing 10-feet tall with 30 electrical wires and 7,000 volts of pulsed ...
we selected Petsafe’s Wireless Pet Containment System as the best wireless dog fence because of its affordability and stamp of approval from our expert. SpotOn’s GPS Dog Fence is our standout ...
An electric fence erected in northeast Victoria to keep wild dogs off private property has become “hit and miss” amid concerns the person put in charge of its operation has been “redeployed”.
Cuttack: A stray dog was electrocuted on Tuesday after coming in contact with an illegally electrified fence installed around a residence in Shankarpu.
If my dog gets loose, I am liable for whatever ... The farmer, Trevor Armiger, installed the electric fence last weekend and his wife, Danielle Armiger, said that since the fence was installed ...