Microorganisms are very tiny organisms that can only be seen in detail using a microscope. Many microorganisms are unicellular which means they exist as a single cell. Examples of microorganisms ...
A deeper look into the apparent self-defense mechanisms of these bacteriophage-resistant bacteria revealed their secret weapon: a group of enzymes called restriction endonucleases, or restriction ...
Life takes shape with the motion of a single cell. In response to signals from certain proteins and enzymes, a cell can start to move and shake, leading to contractions that cause it to squeeze, pinch ...
How does your body speed up these important reactions? The answer is enzymes. Enzymes in our bodies are catalysts that speed up reactions by helping to lower the activation energy needed to start a ...
Enzymes lower the activation energy necessary to transform a reactant into a product. On the left is a reaction that is not catalyzed by an enzyme (red), and on the right is one that is (green).