An Indian vlogger visiting Ethiopia shared a sweet moment of interaction with the Mursi tribe. However, his video of the ...
Throughout its history, Ethiopia has experienced famine — according to one historian, at least one every decade on average between the 15th and 19th centuries. The Great Ethiopian Famine alone ...
In the aftermath of the war between the Ethiopian central government and the northernmost region of Tigray, Ethiopia is once again engaged in violent internal conflict, this time involving militia ...
Experts say last year's coup, led by army chief Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, created a security vacuum that has fostered a resurgence in tribal violence, in a country where deadly clashes regularly ...
Ethiopia and Eritrea tensions risk direct conflict Horn of Africa region hit hard by humanitarian strife Factional split in Ethiopia's Tigray region at heart of crisis NAIROBI, March 13 (Reuters ...
Addis Abeba — Ethiopia and Eritrea have a complex history, defined by both periods of intense conflict and more recent efforts at cooperation. The relations between Ethiopia and Eritrea have ...
A great passion for documenting tribal people and their unique way of ... visit some of the most remote places in Mongolia, Nepal, Mexico, Ethiopia... Her image of a hunter named Saliukhan and ...