A geologically dynamic region in the Great Rift Valley is closely watched by scientists as a fascinating natural laboratory.
Gemechu Bedassa Teferi, a researcher who studies the volcanoes of the Main Ethiopian Rift, unpacks what's behind the recent events. Eighteen million years ago, the continents broke apart to form ...
Ethiopia has around 50 active volcanoes. Most are in the Ethiopian Rift, the northern segment of the East African Rift System. An active volcano has magma stored deep within its crust that could ...
Deadliest volcanic eruption: The 1815 eruption of Mount Tambora in Indonesia, which killed up to 100,000 people From lava fountains to towering ash clouds, volcanoes produce some of the most ...
Volcanoes can look like small mountains or hills. A volcano is an opening in the Earth's crust that allows magma, hot ash and gases to escape. Composite volcanoes are the most common type of ...