Karl Pearson pointing out that he has been misquoted in The Eugenics Review, the word “ears”having been substituted for the words “ew months” ...
History demands that we not turn a blind eye to what is happening around us. As frustrating as it can be to wake up to this ...
the official organ of the Eugenics Education Society of England, ought to voice the opinions of Mr. Fielding-Hall's 'eugenists,' in abundance; but after running through the files of that journal ...
Journal of Critical Mixed Race Studies, Vol. 1, No. 2, Mixed Race in Nordic Europe (2022), pp. 233-261 (29 pages) This article examines twentieth-century northern Swedish geographical isolate studies ...
In these pages, we are often confronted with the horrors of gene defects, although advances that may help attenuate their effects encourage us. We argue that it is undesirable to attempt to ...
Millionaires and billionaires, pioneers in robotics, nanotechnology, crypto-currency, AI and private space explorations, ...
In 1923, organizers founded the American Eugenics Society, and it quickly grew to 29 chapters around the country. At fairs and exhibitions, eugenicists spread the word and hosted "fitter family ...
Eugenics soon crossed the Atlantic and by the ... At a time when birth control was still not publicly accepted in American society, some eugenicists believed birth control was a useful tool ...
The looming shadow of censorship, eugenics, and authoritarian control is reshaping our world. This analysis delves into the ...
It was in 1904 that Francis Galton introduced to the notice of the London Sociological Society the word 'Eugenics,' in an arresting address proposing a study of race-conditions, an effort for ...
In the world of pseudo-science, eugenics holds quite a dark position in history thanks to it being a social philosophy based on improving society via the manipulation of a population’s genetic ...