Table-top sources that generate both extreme ultraviolet light and soft X-rays through high-harmonic generation of ultrafast infrared laser pulses look set to perform tasks previously accessible ...
Sources of short-wavelength radiation, such as soft X-rays or extreme-UV light, present an exciting opportunity to image at unprecedented resolution. Synchrotrons can produce such light ...
To achieve this, the team used the FERMI free electron laser in Trieste, Italy, to generate specially prepared, extremely intense extreme ultraviolet light pulses. They then used a novel laser ...
An invisible band of radiation with wavelengths from 400 to 10 nm, ultraviolet (UV) light starts at the end of visible light and ends at the beginning of X-rays. The primary source of ultraviolet ...
and the ability to transmit ultraviolet light (a type of light that comes from the sun and other sources like special lamps, but it's invisible to the human eye), BZBP has emerged as an ideal ...