2025年3月4日,美国国防部F-35联合计划办公室(JPO)与洛克希德·马丁公司(NYSE:LMT)发布了最新简报:F-35全球机队规模已达1130架;总飞行时间突破100万小时,这是项目史上的一个重大里程碑。截至3月初,已培训合格飞行员2870名;勤务人员17840名。全球F-35总飞行606200架次;平均每架次飞行1小时40分钟;各分遣队已执行 ...
近日,美国国防部F-35联合计划办公室(JPO)与洛克希德·马丁公司(NYSE:LMT)发布了2025年2月份简报:F-35全球机队规模已达1110架;累计飞行98.3万 ...
The supersonic aircraft is widely recognized as a top fifth-generation fighter jet, but the program has faced criticisms.
Concerns rise among Europe's F-35 buyers, including Greece, about the control the US may have over its fighter jets' software ...
The military has shifted management of the JSE testing from the F-35 Joint Program Office (JPO) to a combined Navy and USAF team. The JPO continues to manage software updates for the F-35 in a box ...
Collins Aerospace's solution to replace the Lockheed Martin F-35's Power and Thermal Management System (PTMS), which the ...
Fears Donald Trump could hit a 'kill switch' that could disable Europe's fleet of F-35 stealth jets have today been branded 'disinformation b****cks' by a British spymaster. Germany is set to ...
The F-35 JPO first assessed the feasibility of the restoration project in January 2020, and work on a pieced-together stealth fighter began in late 2023 at the Ogden Air Logistics Complex.
The F-35 JPO, which leads the aircraft's life-cycle program management, acknowledged that annualized sustainment contracts are not ideal for reducing costs and improving readiness. However, it said ...
The F-35 JPO first assessed the feasibility of the restoration project in January 2020, and work on a pieced-together stealth fighter began in late 2023 at the Ogden Air Logistics Complex. "All of the ...