近日,一架F-35B战斗机首次成功携带“流星”超视距空空导弹完成飞行任务。此次试飞筹备已久,它的成功为F-35B这款隐形战斗机的性能实现质的飞跃 ...
这类飞行器在军事和民用领域都有广泛应用。V-22“鱼鹰”和F-35B“闪电II”就应用了这种技术。 图 V-22“鱼鹰” V-22“鱼鹰”(Osprey)是由美国贝尔公司 ...
the weapon was now attached externally to a F-35B for something that is described as an initial flight test performed by the people from the F-35 Pax River Integrated Test Force (ITF). We're not ...
Lockheed Martin and the F-35 Pax River ITF completed an initial flight test integrating the AGM-158C LRASM onto the F-35B Lightning II, following the first test on the F-35C in September 2024.
The F-35B Lightning II is the Marine Corps variant of the Joint Strike Fighter and features a vertical lift fan and pivoting engine nozzle to deliver vertical landing and short takeoff capability ...
A third Marine Corps squadron of F-35B Lightning II fighters arrived in Japan over the weekend, marking the latest step in the service’s efforts to modernize its deployed forces in the Indo-Pacific.
Navy officials had previously said that a contract could be awarded for the F/A-XX later this year. Reuters has reported that ...
Beijing: The F-35B is the first supersonic STOVL aircraft flown by the US Marine Corps, the United Kingdom, and the Italian Air Force. It is the only fifth-generation fighter with short takeoff ...
USS Tripoli will replace USS America as the US's forward-deployed big deck amphibious ship in the Indo-Pacific and it's bristling with F-35s.
Singapore's Ministry of Defence will acquire eight F-35B fighter aircraft by 2029 to replace the ageing F-16 fleet They are in addition to four F-35B aircraft that Singapore ordered in 2019 ...