根据马斯克审计出来的美国官方报告,F-22的F119-PW-100发动机实际推重比只有7,而不是之前宣传的9-10,F35的F135发动机推重比更是只有6.7,远低于之前吹嘘的10-11。 也就是说,F119比涡扇10早期型号7.5的推重比还要低,而F135,更是比AL31F约6.9的推重比(美标 ...
但是根据最新的数据,F119-PW-100的加力推重比只有7.95,达不到10以上的数据。F135发动机是在普惠F119基础上设计生产的新一代产品,主要应用于f35战斗 ...
根据马斯克审计出来的美国官方报告,F-22的F119-PW-100发动机实际推重比只有7,而不是之前宣传的9-10,F35的F135发动机推重比更是只有6.7,远低于之前 ...
The F135 is based on the technology of the F119, with P&W describing the latter as the “forefather” of the former. The data collected with UBL has also been used to upgrade the engine ...
The F135 is based on the technology of the F119, with P&W describing the latter as the "forefather" of the former. The data collected with UBL has also been used to upgrade the engine ...
The Pratt & Whitney F119 powers the first operational fifth-generation fighter and represents the forefather to the more advanced F135 engine powering the F-35 Lightning II. It combines stealth ...
The F119 is an afterburning turbofan engine developed by Pratt & Whitney for the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor, a twin-engine, supersonic aircraft with stealth capability introduced 20 years ago as the ...