Dolphins live and hunt in large social groups called pods, and they communicate with each other using high-pitched clicks and ...
Mammals are among the most adaptable animals on the planet. They are found on every continent and in every ocean, and range in size from tiny bumblebee bats to enormous blue whales. One reason for ...
They include some of the largest animals on Earth. The blue whale is the biggest animal that has ever existed. Whales can be ...
Dolphins are fascinating marine creatures known for their intelligence, social behaviour, and unique hunting techniques.
From the top of Shifting Sands dune in the Serengeti Plain of Africa a million mammals are in motion. Wildebeests. Zebras. Gazelles. The plain is black with them. It is wildebeest calving season ...
Mammals live all across the world. They can be found living in the ground, in trees, and even in the sea. There are many different kinds of mammal, including us humans! Find out more about ...
Credit: Samantha Haebich via Getty Images Like humans, dogs, monkeys and other furry land animals, dolphins are mammals. This means they are warm-blooded and stay cozy in the ocean water thanks to ...
Dinosaurs are the extinct relatives of birds that roamed the lands and seas of ancient Earth. They first appeared around 240 ...
This fact sheet attempts to dispel the fears and answer some of the questions most often asked of the National Museum of Natural History by presenting some general facts about the biology and natural ...