Sure, it’s possible to use a CNC router to mill out a PCB, and ditto for a fiber laser. But neither tool is perfect; the router creates a lot of dust and the fiberglass eats a lot of tools ...
It’s funny because it’s true, as pretty much any laser a hobbyist can easily come by can cause permanent damage to eyes unless the proper precautions are taken. But a fiber laser with 200kW ...
Machitech ’s new Fiber Tube XL laser cutting machine has been designed for cutting industrial tube and tube profiles in heavy ...
Incorporated in 2000, AFR is a leading provider of passive optical components, designed mainly for telecommunication, fiber laser, data center, autonomous vehicle, fiber sensor and bio-medical ...
Laser Photonics (LASE) and its recently acquired subsidiary, Control Micro Systems announced today the expansion of their Laser Marking for ...
Programmed via CMS Laser’s proprietary software, the system can be integrated with a picosecond fiber laser for precision micromachining, a rotary unit for wire rotation, and closed-loop encoder ...
Laser Photonics Corporation (LPC) (NASDAQ: LASE), a leading global developer of industrial laser systems for cleaning and other material processing applications, announced today that it has secured a ...