In collaboration with the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources ... said the 11-month-old fish introduced into the one-acre lake at Black Desert are between four and six inches in length and came ...
Forget cats and dogs, it's raining fish in Utah! Earlier this month ... City Asks Residents Not to Release Pets After Lake Survey Turns up Football-Sized Goldfish Using planes to stock the ...
This gives a new meaning to flying fish - wildlife authorities in Utah are restocking lakes with fish by dropping them out of a plane. Thousands can be dropped in a single flight into water that ...
It was a cold and windy afternoon in central Utah on Jan. 4. But 43-year-old Jesse Pashia knew of a protected shoreline along Gunnison Bend Reservoir where he could still wet a line. He took his ...
and fish eggs. Also known as the rock sturgeon, the lake sturgeon is one of 27 species of sturgeon, a family of bony fish that found around the world that first appears in the fossil record more ...
People in Saratoga Springs helped pull out 21 tires from Utah Lake, with some of the tires weighing over 1,000 pounds.
Utah Lake was once a repository for raw sewage. Nonnative carp were introduced to the lake, and they are an invasive species that outcompetes other fish for food. Common carp can grow to 47 inches ...
Several millennia ago, western Utah was covered by the ancient Lake Bonneville. Today its broad alluvial desert basins are scattered ... Recognizing the imminent threat of extinction, more than a ...