You might have heard of something called the no-fly list — yes, it's a real thing. In fact, there are two types of no-fly lists, and you really don't want to be on either of them. The more ...
City-Pair Agreement discounted fares are only available to Federal Government employees; however, if a city-pair agreement is in effect, you may not claim an Open Skies exception and must fly on a U.S ...
Figure 1: Mosaic fly with one vestigial wing found by Calvin Bridges on 6 August 1923, and drawn by Edith M. Wallace.
Airplanes can travel faster when flying in the same direction as the wind. Conversely, an airplane will fly slower (and use more fuel) when flying into headwinds. Total Thrust Of course, ...
Missiles of various types have been around for ages ... Supersonic missiles fly at Mach 1-5, and hypersonic missiles are almost too fast to comprehend at Mach 5+. There are reasons why a military ...