The 440th, known as the “Flying Badgers,” has been in Milwaukee since the late 1950s. “It is pretty disappointing news for everybody here,” said 440th spokesman Dennis Mehring. “We have been a ...
An "ambling Eurasian badger," lava coming from a Chilean volcano, an owl flying out of a barn, a stoat blending into the snow and a prickled honey badger all made the top five for a prestigious ...
We’ve got a badger that is like the ones in Asia, and something like this was something that we hope to see come up in the fossil record there.” According to Samuels, a single giant flying ...
An exclamation point almost always signifies a statement—but Flying Lotus’ new album title, You’re Dead!, is more so posed as an honest question. He seems to make the point that what it means to “be ...