There isn’t too much to say about southern Vietnamese pho in Sydney that hasn’t already been documented, analysed and argued.
Dishes are cooked as the chef envisions them, but sauces are on each table to add heat or spice as the diner wishes.
YouTuber David Hoffmann was stunned after learning Hanoi’s cha nhai is made from frogs, but he couldn’t stop eating it.
This means bun cha (meatballs with vermicelli), cha nem (deeply bronzed pork and prawn spring rolls) and pho cuon (lettuce and stir-fried beef rolled in thick noodle sheets). A quick lunch can ...
A new restaurant specializing in seafood and pho is coming soon to the Mall at Fairfield Commons in Beavercreek. Bleu Wave Seafood & Pho will be located at 2733 Fairfield Commons, Unit A, in the ...