Sensitive and handsome, Nero (37 – 68 AD / reigned 54 – 68 AD) started out well as emperor. But his early promise gave way to wild extravagance and murder. His rule ended as violently as it ...
The Roman emperor Nero is known as one of history’s most brutal and eccentric leaders. He is said to have killed his mother, stepbrother and wives, persecuted Christians and squandered a fortune ...
MATERA (ITALPRESS) - Prosegue il piano di sviluppo di VRetreats: il brand di hôtellerie di VOIhotels supporta la crescita del turismo nel sud Italia aprendo a Matera Palazzo Gattini, antica ...
Palazzo Gattini, in pieno centro storico a Matera, è il nuovo hotel cinque stelle che va ad arricchire la collezione VRetreats, brand di hôtellerie di VOIhotels. L’obiettivo è quello di ...