Gen. Douglas MacArthur delivered his "Old soldiers never die" speech to a joint session of Congress on this day in history, April 19, 1951. Earlier, MacArthur was relieved of his military duties.
Gen. Douglas MacArthur walked out onto the porch of his cottage on the battered island of Corregidor in the early evening of March 11, 1942, joining his wife Jean and the couple’s four-year-old ...
Lt. Gen. Arthur MacArthur, Jr. (1845 - 1912) Not long before his own death, Douglas MacArthur summed up his feelings about the passing of his father this way: "My whole world changed that night.
On the C-SPAN Networks: Douglas MacArthur is a General for the U.S. Army with two videos in the C-SPAN Video Library; the first appearance was a 1952 Speech. Appearances by Title:c. July 7, 1952 ...
The Park Service is working to change that. On July 28, 1932, Gen. Douglas MacArthur stood on the Ellipse south of the White House in his uniform and stiff leather boots. As more than 200 cavalrymen, ...
The teen is the first student from Levittown's General Douglas MacArthur High School to be named a finalist in the ...
The story of General of the Army Douglas MacArthur, Supreme Allied Commander during World War II and United Nations Commander for the Korean War. "MacArthur" begins in 1942, following the fall of ...
DAGUPAN CITY—Residents of this city welcomed the claim of American archivist and historian from MacArthur Memorial in Norfolk, Virginia, the United States, James Zobel that Gen. Douglas MacArthur ...