In a manuscript published in the American Journal of Psychiatry titled "Psychiatric Genetics in Clinical Practice: Essential ...
Michelle Merrill, MS, who is a board-certified and licensed genetic counselor, is the Director of Clinical Training for the Genetic Counseling Training Program and a clinical instructor in the ...
Genetics are the future of early disease detection in healthcare. However, diverse populations need to be included for the ...
Genetic and genomic testing guide breast cancer risk assessment and treatment, as discussed by Dr. Mark Robson at the Miami ...
My Gene Counsel, a leader in digital genetic counseling solutions, and FamGenix, a pioneering platform for family health history and hereditary risk assessment, today announced a strategic partnership ...
Research shows experimental anti-amyloid drug reduced cognitive symptom risk by 50% in people with rare genetic mutations ...
Pharmaceutical company sponsorship of diagnostic testing remains an area with a gaping divide between the views of regulators and industry, ...
It could be that this magical condition is known by the medical term Waardenburg syndrome. Waardenburg syndrome affects about 1 in 40,000 people. This condition is classified as a rare genetic ...
You may want to discuss genetic testing with your doctor if: Counseling is required before having genetic testing for breast cancer. During this educational session, a health care provider will ...
With drugs on the horizon for treating and possibly preventing transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy, cardiologists are ...