Epiphyseal stapling for angular deformity at the knee. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1979; 61: 320–329. Danino B, Rodl R, Herzenberg JE, et al. Growth modulation in idiopathic angular knee deformities: is it ...
Background Many athletes have foot deformity of hallux-valgus. These deformities lead to decrease of foot function and sports performance. The authors were developed a new device for decrease the ...
Lower limb angular deformities, such as genu valgum (knock-knees ... which refers to the tendency for a previously corrected deformity to return after the removal of corrective implants.
Objective To established reference values for knee valgus angle and moment during single leg squat (SLS), single leg landing (SLL), running (RUN), and cutting (CUT) tasks. Moreover, assessing gender ...