Season 1 will trace the evolution of George Washington ... the British crown interfered in American lucrative Western lands.
During the Revolutionary War, conditions were dismal for American colonists. Against heavy odds ... Challenges Upon his inauguration as the first president on April 30, 1789, George Washington assumed ...
By the all-powerful dispensations of Providence, I have been protected beyond all human probability and expectation; for I had four bullets through my coat, and two horses shot under me, yet escaped ...
In 1776, as George Washington was leading the Continental Army through some of the earliest battles of the American Revolution, disease posed a greater threat to his forces than British troops.
If George Washington’s audacity on January 3, 1777, had not reversed the patriots’ retreat and routed the advancing British, the American Revolution might have been extinguished. Yet such is ...
(Special Collections, Library of Virginia) “Miami’s statue of Washington—its origin and travels over a 97-year period,” Miami Alumnus Vol. 16, No. 8, May, 1963, p. 11. * National Society Daughters of ...
A descendant of John Ball, the medieval English preacher who led the first popular rebellion in England, George ... secured American independence. Though eager to retire at war's end, Washington ...
Aaron Burr, who served briefly on his staff during the Revolution, considered George Washington a second-rate general. Alexander Hamilton, on the other hand, admired him and stood by his side as ...
That famous description of George ... Press But Washington had also experienced other aspects of war—the meddling of politicians and the disdain of the British for the American officers.
Due to the Revolution in France, Washington revoked the former American colonies ... In 1795, the Jay Treaty strengthened American economic ties with Britain and vacated English forts in the American ...