Sperm whales may team up and hunt collaboratively, scientists have suggested. A US research team used hi-tech tags to glimpse some of the giant marine ... dives - hunting squid at depths reaching ...
Most other known remains of giant squid are fragments washed up on beaches or found in the stomach contents of sperm whales. When the Museum specimen was accidentally caught by a fishing trawler it ...
The eyes of a giant squid are the size of dinner plates and eyes up to 35cm in diameter have been reported. It’s thought they evolved to spot large predators, such as sperm whales. They do not ...
or squid beaks that have been found in the bellies of sperm whales. The first recording of a living giant squid was made in 2006, after researchers working off Japan’s Ogasawara Islands managed ...
The New Yorker's David Grann wrote that giant squid can be "larger than a whale and stronger than an elephant, with a beak that can sever steel cables." Here's what is known about the mysterious ...
The sperm whale is the largest toothed predator on the ... You can even tell when she catches a squid because the clicks speed up to a shrill intensity and then suddenly stop, as she presumably ...
Sperm whales are not often seen in the North Sea as it lacks the large squid they would usually feed on A sperm whale beached in shallow water off the Northumberland coast has died. The 43ft (13m ...
the sperm whale is another king-sized species that may make an appearance for guests. Known for their ability to dive to incredible depths in search of giant squid, these toothed whales are ...