Find today’s readings here. “The Pharisees and their scribes complained to his disciples, saying, ‘Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?’” (Lk 5:30) This story of the ...
The congregation at Church on the Roundabout gathered to celebrate the anniversary of an iconic Isle of Wight landmark - the Coppins Bridge 'God Loves You' sign, and the County Press was there too.
Evangelist Franklin Graham has arrived in Krakow, Poland, to promote a "message of hope" as part of his "God Loves You" tour. The "Bóg Cie Kocha" tour – Polish for "God Loves You"– will bring ...
While life without football to look forward to each weekend may seem less exciting, it's important to appreciate that BYU ...
TODAY’s Savannah Guthrie’s latest book, “Mostly What God Does is Love You” just went to the top of the New York Times ...
"I could always call God, and so I feel like, if I can tell you about the God that I know that loves you so much, that you'll carry him in your heart just the way I have all my life, and that that ...