微软的投降,标志着一个时代的终结。曾经的浏览器霸主,彻底承认了 Chrome 的统治地位。当 2019 年新 Edge 正式发布时,已经彻底成为了 Chrome 的一个变种。与此同时,Chrome 的市场份额甚至突破 ...
不同于Firefox依赖于扩展的模式,Chrome针对开发者推出了更完整的扩展生态,使得开发者优先选择Chrome平台,从而实现了用户的锁定。2017年,Mozilla推出了Firefox Quantum以求翻身,然而用户的习惯早已根深蒂固,转身回归Chrome的速度快得惊人。
A new battle is happening right on your phone and laptop, and it’s going to change how you use tech forever. Google is ...
The search giant should’ve been first to the chatbot revolution. It wasn’t. So it punched back with late nights, layoffs—and ...
The latest stable build of Chrome OS removes Google Assistant and installs the Gemini chatbot. It also adds a new ...
Google's been busy weaving its AI capabilities into every nook and cranny of Workspace, and Gmail is no exception. With a new ...
Gmail's search feature is much smarter thanks to AI. The platform will surface the most relevant search results.