So, how do you tell these very similar birds apart? There are a few subtle differences. The California scrub jay has patches of grey along with white on its stomach, while the blue jay has only white.
Polytypic. Length 11". This is a long-tailed jay with a small bill and no crest. Adult: generally bluish above, gray below with a contrastingly paler throat and upper breast, and a variable bluish ...
From the towns and the cities. From the hills of Tallahassee, the people shout with glee, “The Florida scrub jay is the new state bird!” If only this were true. The Florida scrub jay ...
We Stand On Guard by Brian K. Vaughan and Steve Skroce sees sales jump at Image Comics ahead of incoming US/Canada tariffs ...
The jay’s Latin name is Garrulus glandarius – which roughly translates to ‘chattering acorn gatherer’. As well as eating the nuts, studies have shown that the bird deliberately cultivates ...