Green beans should have a bright, strong colour, with crisp pods with a satin-like sheen. They should not look wilted, discoloured or brown. They are best eaten when young and tender. To tell how ...
This very green bean salad is full of flavour and makes the perfect addition to a barbecue feast or summer Sunday roast. Each side serving provides 395 kcal, 10.4g protein, 6.4g carbohydrate (of ...
This recipe will let you make restaurant-style fluffy omelette at home! All you need to do is to prepare the stuffing of green onions and mushrooms and prepare the omelette base. Add mushrooms and ...
It uses a fair amount of oil, but you can blot up the excess when you take the omelette out of the skillet. Make this with any type of sturdy green vegetable you have. I like to use long beans ...