A preserved duck, chicken or quail egg aged in a mix of clay, ash and salt for months until the whites turn black and the ...
A first-ever analysis of the whole Greenland shark genome gives researchers a couple of clues to their longevity.
Measuring the Greenland shark’s growth rate is challenging because individuals are rarely recaptured. However, one shark tagged in 1936 had only grown 2.3 inches when it reappeared 16 years later.
The Greenland shark lives in one of the most extreme environments. Temperatures frequently fall below zero, yet this shark thrives. It’s predicted that this shark could live to 200 years old ...
We're here to find out what it tastes like. Guðjón Hildibrandsson: The Greenland shark is the most toxic shark in the world. Fresh meat, you will get very sick. Then a little bit more ...
While the Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus) may not have the same fame as the great white shark, it holds an impressive distinction: it is the longest-living vertebrate species known to ...
The Greenland shark, one of the longest-living vertebrates on Earth, has baffled scientists for years with its ability to survive for centuries. Some individuals alive today may have been swimming ...
How Greenland sharks' features protect them from Cancer To reveal the secret of Greenland shark's long and healthy life, a group of researchers performed a comprehensive genomic analysis.
The longevity secret of the Greenland shark, known as the longest-living vertebrate on Earth, has been revealed. There are many genes closely related to cancer that regulate immune responses ...