In Oceania too, dependence on creditors has grown, a problem at the centre of Pope Francis' appeal for the Jubilee 2025. With ...
Under the impetus of its prime minister James Marape, the Oceanian country has modified the preamble of its Constitution and ...
The illegal trade in live chimpanzees in Guinea-Bissau is more widespread than current data indicates, scientists believe, ...
According to the data provided, “only 24% of the population has access to safely managed drinking water, 15% has safely managed sanitation and only 20% has hygiene facilities with soap at home”. The ...
Agudo, the UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation, issued this call to action at the ...
The illegal trade in live chimpanzees in Guinea-Bissau is more widespread than current data indicates, scientists believe, ...
Globally, the number of priests per 259,000 Catholics reflects regional disparities. While the ratio is higher in Africa and ...
Researchers say role of West Africa’s oral history should be taken more seriously within global academic record ...
A remote high school in Papua New Guinea has installed a solar powered mini-grid to classrooms and schoolground ...
The Government of Guinea-Bissau must urgently prioritise water and sanitation services if it wants to improve the lives of its population, particularly women and children, a UN expert said today.