Progress of the spray program can be followed using the ... The Lymantria dispar, or spongy/gypsy moth, was introduced to North America in 1869 at Medford, Mass., where it was used in a failed ...
formerly known as the gypsy moth, as “a destructive, invasive pest.” PGC plans to spray over 123,000 acres of state game lands in nearly every region of the state except the northwest.
formerly called the gypsy moth, has established itself in the commonwealth and its numbers fluctuate. This year, the Pennsylvania Game Commission will spend $2.4 million to spray 124,000 acres ...
A gypsy moth caterpillar crawls along partially eaten ... State foresters say the problem requires aerial treatment and the time to spray is spring. DCNR experts say spongy moth egg mass surveys ...
“DCNR will spray 75,000 acres statewide this year, and then last year we sprayed 227,000 acres,” Maza explained, adding the variation in spongy moth populations is typical over years.