Tax Minister, Jame Murray, will unveil a new scheme to incentivise informants to come forward to HMRC with information on tax ...
Nearly 300,000 taxpayers could soon be free from the hassle of filing a tax return as the Government moves to raise the ...
Hundreds of thousands of savers could be hit with a surprise tax bill this spring as HMRC sends out P800 letters, which let ...
The government says it is making it easier for online sellers, drivers, and dog walkers by raising a key threshold ...
HMRC is sending letters to "any" worker who has savings, UK households have been warned. Hundreds of thousands of savers are ...
An HMRC overhaul from the UK Government means some big changes for hundreds of thousands of people - here is all you need to ...
Callers to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) will be able to use their voice as a password in a bid to speed up calls, a ...
The department will next month launch a digital service enabling citizens to check their tax code and other info, while also ...
This will benefit around 300,000 taxpayers. An estimated 90,000 of them will have no tax to pay and no reason to report their ...
The trial is expected to be rolled out across HMRC over the rest of the year, and the tax office is also looking at ...
“As part of a bold new package to transform HMRC into a quicker, fairer and more modern body the minister is expected to announce plans to increase the Income Tax Self Assessment (ITSA ...
Up to 300,000 people, including those with side hustles, will no longer need to file a Self-Assessment tax return ...