Cervical cancer is on the rise in the U.S., and while it is one of the most preventable cancers, recent research suggests ...
Thousands of women die from cervical cancer in the U.S. every year and cases are largely caused by HPV infection ...
Cervical cancer is increasing among women in the the United States. A new study shows less women are getting screened as rates go up in rural areas. OBGYN Physician Dr. Kimberly Callegari from Kaiser ...
A VIRUS that’s previously been linked to seven types of cancer could also increase the risk of heart disease, say researchers. In the UK, the virus is very common – an estimated 80 per ...
在全球范围内,HPV 感染率差异显著,调整相关因素后,全球宫颈细胞学正常女性的 HPV 感染率约为 11.7%。在中国,一般人群的 HPV 感染率经调整后在 13.1% - 18.8% 之间。不过,现有研究多聚焦特定区域,全国性研究多源于系统评价和荟萃分析,可能因个体研究差异产生异质性。此外,中国 HPV 疫苗接种率较低,青少年接种率不足 3%,总体人群接种率不到 ...
Karnataka has initiated a focused effort to eliminate cervical cancer through a coordinated campaign involving healthcare ...
明明有望消除为啥还有上万女性因此丧命在我国,几乎所有宫颈癌(99.7%)都与高危型 HPV (人乳头瘤病毒)感染有关[4]。所幸,HPV 疫苗的出现提供了一种有效的癌症预防手段。它能预防 HPV 感染,降低宫颈癌的发生率[5]。权威医学期刊《柳叶刀》上曾发表过一篇关于 HPV 疫苗的大型研究,结果表明:在英国的 HPV ...
Karnataka will vaccinate 14-year-old girls in five districts of the Kalyana Karnataka region against cervical cancer at no ...
为探究新疆乌鲁木齐宫颈病变患者高危型人乳头瘤病毒(HR-HPV)感染特征,研究人员分析相关数据,发现感染率高且基因型有差异,意义重大。 新疆乌鲁木齐地域广阔、民族众多,历史上 CC 发病率较高,但该地区关于 HPV 分布的流行病学研究资料却相对匮乏。为填补这一空白,为 CC 的防治和 HPV ...
Prevent cervical cancer with screenings, HPV vaccine, and healthy habits. Early detection saves lives. Empower yourself for a ...
New trends data show significant reduction in the incidence of precancerous lesions in young women since advent of vaccine.
Ending the silent epidemic: Ravneet Kaur & Dr. Syama B Syam Wednesday, March 26, 2025, 08:00 Hrs [IST] Cervical cancer remains a serious health ...