Grabbing eagerly onto every shred of information, hoping against hope that this time, no, this time, Half-Life 3 might actually be real. I’ve been doing this for 18 years, ever since the credits ...
Half-Life 3 may be announced in 2025, as hinted by recent Source 2 datamining. Valve is reportedly in the polishing and optimizing stage, nearing development completion. Other hints, such as a ...
With Half-Life 3 still just a potential twinkle in Gabe Newell’s eye, the return of Valve’s epochal PC shooter feels more like a pipe dream every day. The Steam maker did give us the excellent ...
Look at this point on the graph in relation to the y-axis. You will see that the counts per minute have halved in two days. This means that it has a half-life of two days.
A seemingly minor update to Dota 2 is enough to spark speculation that Half-Life 3 is nearing completion. Rumours of Valve making Half-Life 3 have persisted for years, to the point where they’re ...
Discovered in the metadata for a new DOTA 2 update, it was found that Valve has recently done new work on “HLX”, which is the codename for what is assumed to be Half-Life 3. While this might ...
Highly anticipated: The "Half-Life 3 confirmed" catchphrase might not be around for much longer. There's been a slew of speculation that the 18-year wait since Half-Life 2: Episode 2 could soon ...